CS371p Spring 2022: Vincent Huynh
Week of 31 Jan — 6 Feb
1. What did you do this past week?
This past week I was able to turn in many assignments and start working on the next ones. In particular, I started on the Collatz project. I was also able to stay warm during the freezing temperatures at the end of the week, and I’m glad the power didn’t go out like last year.
2. What’s in your way?
The freezing temperatures canceled classes and disrupted schedules, and I was not able to drive anywhere during that time. Now there is a water boil notice, probably because of all the frozen pipes.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week I will finish the Collatz project and turn it in, along with some other assignments. I hope it gets warmer next week as well. I’m still going to the gym consistently, and I plan to continue going next week.
4. What did you think of Paper #3: Continuous Integration?
I’m much more familiar with the concept of continuous integration than I was one or two years ago, and I have worked with it several times already. I do still think it is a good idea to refresh on the reason why it is essential, though.
5. What was your experience of UnitTests, Coverage, and IsPrime? (this question will vary, week to week)
Unit tests and coverage are both essential to making sure the software we develop runs correctly. I like how we tackled IsPrime by looking at the test cases first, then modifying the code after. It showed the importance of good test cases, but also that we can’t rely on bad test cases.
6. What made you happy this week?
In a way, the cold weather canceling classes was nice because I was able to rest a little more, but I also couldn’t go anywhere either, so it wasn’t really that good. I was able to make some sushi at a friend’s place for dinner the other day — it was a lot of fun and tasted good too.
7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I pick of the week this week is something I was able to use in my Cloud Computing class, Github Classroom. I can’t really recommend using it for students because it is more of an organizational system for a class, but it is quite nice. Each student gets their own repo generated for a class assignment with the starter code, and it is extremely convenient when paired with the VSCode extension.