CS371p Spring 2022: Vincent Huynh
Week of 7 Mar — 13 Mar
1. What did you do this past week?
This past week I had two exams and two projects due. It was quite stressful, but I was able to get everything done. I also drove back to Dallas for spring break to spend time with my family. Thankfully, the drive went smoothly and I am safe. Since I’m home, I’ve been jogging around the lake and the park near my house.
2. What’s in your way?
I had to do a lot of different things this week, so I’m pretty tired. I’m glad it's all over now, though. It’s been pretty nice outside, although the constantly changing weather and temperature make it hard to plan things.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week (spring break) I will be staying at home for spring break. I will be eating a lot of food and hopefully staying active as well. The following week (the week after spring break) I will be driving back to Austin and start working on all my projects. Thankfully, there are no immediate exams when I come back.
4. What did you think of Paper #8: Interface Segregation Principle?
I appreciate that the author of the Interface Segregation Principle paper offered several ways to approach the problem of fat interfaces and the benefits and drawbacks of each. I was thinking about multiple inheritance as one solution, but the adapter pattern was new to me and seems interesting as well.
5. What was your experience of std::array, iterators, and equal? (this question will vary, week to week)
I’m glad that C++ has something to wrap built-in arrays with, and I like how we are introduced to different functions such as equals and fill with the same underlying patterns. I also appreciate the discussion about the strength of different iterators with respect to the requirements of different containers.
6. What made you happy this week?
I’m glad I was able to come home to rest and spend time with my family.
7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick of the week this week is Bootswatch: https://bootswatch.com/ which has some free themes for Bootstrap that have nice color palettes. For a warm, neutral theme, I like to use Sandstone: https://bootswatch.com/sandstone/