CS371p Spring 2022: Vincent Huynh
2 min readJan 23, 2022
- Where did you grow up? I grew up in Plano, Texas.
- What high school did you attend? I attended Plano East Senior High.
- What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school? I was both in the orchestra and the swim team.
- Why did you come to UT? I heard UT had one of the best CS programs, and being in-state made it a good option for me.
- Why are you majoring in CS? CS can be applied to any field, so there are a lot of opportunities for creativity.
- Why are you in this class? I think knowledge of object-oriented programming will be essential in my future.
- What are your expectations of this class? I want to become a better C++ programmer and be exposed to object-oriented patterns to use in the future.
- How much C/C++ do you already know? I worked in C in Operating Systems and C++ in Computer Graphics.
- How did you like the first lectures? It was a good refresher on how Docker works.
- How did you feel about the cold calling? I’ve taken several classes with cold calling now, and I am ok with it since I know its purpose is to help me learn.
- What made you happy this week? I brought my car to Austin for the first time this semester, so my shopping and eating options are greatly expanded since I can drive.
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? Last year I started using Notion to keep track of assignments and plan my week. It has a clean look, is easy to use, and I recommend giving it a try.